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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

3 F's for the Beach: Fluff, Family and Food

For me, packing for a week at the beach requires 3 things to boost the excitement.

1) Twofer Thumbs Up for My very favorite food in the whole wide world: peanut butter & fluff sandwich. That sticky sweet, yet surprisingly filling treat made it's great comeback into my life when I was pregnant with the girls. And since I'll never be pregnant again, I had to find other times to treat myself to it.

2) A shopping trip to Costco: today's trip was a mere $300 (nothing in comparison to my usual $500) and consisted mostly of crackers, chips, and diet coke with a few chickens and veggies thrown in for color.

3) Email banter with my family:
After an entire day spent emailing back and forth and sideways with 8 of the 11 adults going on this beach vacation, my dear mother comes home to a full inbox and replies:
Grammy L:
“Once again after WORKING a long day caring for the sick & disabled I come home to find the entire family has been e-mailing for hours. Just because I actually WORK at my job I am penalized from having my thoughts & opinions included. Let me just say NO ONE IS SELLING MY SISSY, D. She is a true gem & is the only one who really understands me."

That last part I'll have to explain another day :).