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Friday, January 2, 2009

Storytime with the Twofer - a new weekly feature!

Grab your little ones, get comfy and enjoy storytime...Twofer-style

For a few months now the girls have been doing lots of reading, and more recently, lots of writing. I am constantly spelling. Seriously, I spell Mr. has done his fair share as well. Sometimes we just tell them to try and sound it out, but we aren't sure if a 5 year old who can read is supposed to be able to spell - isn't it a different skill?

I digress -

All of this has lead to the production of books. Lots, and lots of books. It has also nearly wiped out our supply of printer paper and staples (mental note: teach them to type & save some trees). Some of the stories actually have a beginning, middle and end. Some have a little unexpected twist.

I decided to capture them reading their stories on my Flip Video and decided to make Storytime with the Twofer a weekly feature.

So let's get started! First ever Storytime with the Twofer.

What was your favorite part of the story?

(Do you have a book you'd like us to feature on Storytime? Email Janine at scarytwins [at] yahoo [dot] com


Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

WONDERFUL video! That is a keeper to show them when they are older even. I love that she showed the pictures after reading each page. Great job!

MommaDJane said...

That was absolutely adorable! I love her tight curls too. Good job reading, I was impressed and her writing looked great too!

Unknown said...

I love this. They are adorable and the cake is my favorite part of the story. Yum cake. LOL

MommaDJane said...

I gave you an award on my blog! Don't forget to claim it, enjoy...