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Monday, December 1, 2008

Is there room in the schedule for lazy days?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I almost wish we had one more day at home with the girls!

I went into this weekend having lined up a few things so that we didn't go stir-crazy. My husband was scheduled to have knee surgery Wednesday and so we were not going to be doing the movies and museum visits we usually do during a holiday weekend at home.

For the most part we stayed at home, indoors, and a lot of that was on the couch. And for once, I didn't freak out about it.

I think the girls were tired. My husband and I were tired. And we just needed to have family time that involved doing nothing. We watched movies. We read books. We did some Christmas decorating.

L wearing Santa hat, M wearing tree skirt

We spent days in our jammies. We were silly. And we argued and yelled at each other.

But for the first time in a long time, I'm sad to get back to the routine of school, activities, homework, and work-work tomorrow.

I'll miss our lazy days. I need to 'schedule' more of those :).


Debbie said...

I love it when moms want to spend time with their kids. Most people just complain incessantly about their kiddos. I want more time with mine too.

Mommynightowl said...

yes, you gotta love a lazy day :) You children are beautiful btw. :)