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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Storytime with the Twofer Twins Week 6 - All About Animals

Technically this is week 7 or even 8 because I've missed a few but give me a break - who's watching these anyway? If you are, please leave a comment so I can share them with the authors.

This week L was inspired to write a book for a baby that is on the way. No, not mine. One of my husband's cousins is having a baby soon and the girls came with me to the baby shower. I'm mailing this book out today to the lucky parents-to-be.

Do you have a creative way to preserve your child's artwork?
I'd love to know about it because this stack of books is growing and while I've captured most on video...I'm thinking I should keep the hard copies too.



Rosemary Cottage said...

Not particularly creative, but I take pictures of everything on digital camera and put them on flickr.

Anonymous said...

The best part is parent and child interacting - both of you must keep up the good work.
There is never too much praise.
Great trees grow from little seeds.
Looking forward to seeing more.

Iris and ME