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Thursday, May 28, 2009 is like an Encyclopedia for Moms

Who do you turn to when you have questions and concerns relating to parenting? Most of us ask other parents – whether it’s our own mothers, or friends that have kids.

Now what do you do when you have a question at 4:00 am? Some us still call our moms and best friends and wake them up. Another resource to try is

This site contains a wealth of information for moms, from moms. I tested it out recently with this question: What are good books for first graders?
Someone had recently asked that question (in April) and there were over 40 answers that I read through!
Some of the books mentioned were:

1. Cam Jansen

2. Henry & Mudge
3. Magic Treehouse series was developed from the responses collected on that were categorized and organized and made into a searchable database. Questions range from parenting questions about newborns to health-related topics, and even house and garden questions!

What I like is the range and number of responses. For medical questions, you aren’t weeding through too much medical jargon that may scare you. The most comforting thing is that it’s other moms simply sharing from their personal experiences.

Check out and then let me know what question you asked!


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