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Friday, May 1, 2009

Share your Healthcare Story to Ensure Lawmakers Don’t Leave Our Children Out

I am going to 'Speak Now For Kids' to let Congress know they MUST include children as they consider health care reform!

I don’t know anyone that is thrilled with their insurance situation.
  • There are families like us who are self-employed and pay an enormous amount of money each month.
  • There are families who have children with special needs that must forgo important therapies because the out-of-pocket cost is simply too great.
  • There are families who have suffered a job loss and are now faced with the decision of paying their mortgage or their health insurance.
Tell Congress to include children in the health care decision NOW
Congress has a VERY tight time-line for this legislation and we need to let them know NOW how we feel. Speak Now For Kids wants to give children a voice in the great health care debate and they need YOU (parent
s, grandparents, aunts, uncles, care givers, teachers, physicians, etc.) to share your story. We need to let Congress know that they MUST consider the needs of children in the health care discussion.

Instead of the ‘copy-and-paste-this-into-an-email-and-send-to-your-congressman…’ campaign Speak Now For Kids will be mapping out everyone’s story so they can generate a report that shows what people are saying in what state.

Please take a minute to share your story.

Go to
Fill out a short survey and log your name and location (important to sho. Then Join the Facebook fan page and follow @SpeakNowForKids on Twitter.



KarieK said...

Janine I have been looking for an outlet like this for over a year!! So awesome and fantastic!!!