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Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I don't have a sister. I have a brother. And there are days I'm thankful for that. Sure, we fought. We competed. But it was different, because we were different. We were different ages, we were different sexes, and we accepted each other as siblings and everyone around us expected us to have different friends, hobbies, and the like.

For L & M it's trickier.

They are the same sex, the same age, and while they look different - this has meant they have ALWAYS been compared.

The really 'smart' folks say things like:

"WHY does this one have curly hair and this one straight?"

"Oh look, this is the happy one..."

"I can see who the smart one will be!"

For me, the neurotic mother who projects 10 years ahead, you might as well be saying:
"WHY is this one more popular?"

"Oh look, this is the fat one.."

"I can see who the dumb one is!"

I can only hope that now as they are starting to compare themselves to each other (as well as their friends), they find a way to appreciate their differences, be thankful of what they have, and respect themselves.

I guess that's where I come in huh?
Scary thought.
