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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sneakers are sneaky like that

As the back-to-school shopping continues, raise the grand total another $80 for sneakers. And I'm actually happy about that!

A long-standing Twofer Thumbs Up to Shoe Train in the Cabin John Mall in Potomac. They carry all the different brands, from narrow to extra-wide and they are great at fitting them. Usually we wait 30 min. to be seen, and then 10 min. to pick out and try on shoes. What can I tell you, my kids know what they like.

Yesterday, we waited only 10 min. to be seen. M was dancing around in her mary-jane sneakers 5 min later, but L...
L proceeded to try on pair, after pair, after pair. Is she becoming an indecisive shoe shopper at 5 or did they really ALL feel too tight, too loose, etc.?

We were almost at the point of (gasp) sneakers with shoelaces! And I was making all kinds of comments about her now learning how to tie her shoes.

Well that did it. Two more pairs and we found the perfect sneaks.

Velcro still rules. And so does Shoe Train!
