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Friday, August 8, 2008

Chores? Or am I breaking child labor laws?

The list of chores is neither long, nor difficult.
The fact that I got rid of my cleaning lady, and now actually pay my kids to help is what concerns me.

I'm really trying to look at my motivation.
Note: another of my neuroses is thinking everything I do is going to screw up my kids

My reasoning to them (and to myself) is this:
We are a family.
Each member of the family has a job.
If I (or Mr. Scary) have to do ALL the work, then we don't have time to do fun things like go to the park, the pool, etc.

The fact that they earn "an allowance" is a way for them to start learning about the value of money. RIGHT?

Or am I just trying to get some help cleaning my house for $4 a week?

So far I know of only one other family (and I know lots of families) where the kids have chores...and get paid. And I keep hearing from my kids that no one else they know has "jobs".

But then I think of how cute (and proud) they were when we took them to Target and they shopped for themselves (travel pillow for M, Hannah Montana magazine for L) using money they had earned, and stuffing the change back into their wallets.

And I think - maybe I'm not so scary.
