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Monday, May 19, 2008

L & M's Fabulous 5th Birthday Bash (A survival guide)

How to throw a party for 40+ kids
without losing your mind... or one of the kids!

Thank You to my helpers!
My family, friends, and other parents who helpe
d collect presents, pour drinks, cut cake, watch over the chaos on the swing set, roundup the escapees, and in general be everywhere I couldn't be while Daddy took over 800 photos (the miracle of digital cameras).

We had perfect weather.

After days of rain I
was thankful that we could be outside where everyone actually fit. And mysteriously the mosquitoes took the day off.

Two cakes for 2 little Girls.

I let L & M each pick out their own cake AND made the crowd
sing twice. I think they were thrilled to have their own moment of glory and their own candles to blow out. And a bonus...I actually had enough cake!

Another TW
OFER....2 DJs came instead of one!
Twofer Thumbs
Up to Charlie and Patrick at Unique Dreams DJs who were not only really sweet, but got the kids dancing and jumping for 2 hours straight. They handled the prizes, they helped manage the timing for the cake, they even turned the traditionally chaotic pinata into organized fun!

There was only one
real ScaryMom moment...
When I tossed the last of the candy and realized I'd survived. I did a celebratory dance and anyone who saw me would agree it was a wee bit scary how happy I actually was ;)!