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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Can I wish that they would wish differently?

What does a 5 year old wish for?

Today at one of Yoko Ono's Wish Trees we each took one of the slips of paper (these look ironically like enlarged price tags) and a pencil, and started to jot down our wishes.

When I asked E & E what they wanted to wish for I was, at first, a little disappointed:

"New dolls!"
"More Webkinz!"

Was I really thinking they'd come up with something like "World Peace" or "No Hunger"? I mean, they have no idea the world they live in isn't peaceful. They've never experienced true hunger.

I've decided that what we wish for really depends on our life experience.
And so while their wishes seem shallow, it's a good thing (for now) and means they really have all they need.

It's our job as ScaryMom and Dad to teach them that not everyone is so lucky, and that may just alter what they wish for in the future.

For the record:
L settled on "I wish I had a bunny".
M chose "I wish I had more dolls. "
ScaryMom would like to consult with her dad one last time.
ScaryDad offered something unprintable in a family blog such as this!

Twofer Thumbs Up to Yoko and her idea/experiment to keep Lennon's Imagine fresh in our minds, and for making us active participants with Wish Trees all over the world.

The Scarys


Anonymous said...

Wish trees and liking Yoko this what I have to look forward to????

Anonymous said...

At least you know I spoiled the moment with a crude comment.