Actually, Tuesday night I hardly watched the election on TV - because twitter was way more interesting!
Don't worry, I stopped long enough to drink in Obama's victory, the speeches, and the fact that history was made. But then it was back to my tweeple, and their tweets. Srsly (seriously) - I'm learning a whole new language and that means writing in under 140 characters.
I think I'm starting to talk in 140 characters.
So tomorrow I will limit my tweeting to certain hours. And I'm going to tell my tweeple that now, so that I stick to it.
Here's to more productive days.
Twitter, I'll miss you. But this is best for both of us.
I am on twitter but so far can't figure out how to tweet. Isn't that pitiful!
Debbie - watch the video and follow me's too much fun :).
I'll see if I can find a good how-to twitter for you later today.
So does sucking other people into Twitter not count as time actually spent on Twitter? I am confused.
Can you please shoot me an e-mail at when you have a sec? Thanks!
I go through fases... Sometimes I tweet a lot... sometimes a little. I clicked to follow you.
I share your addiction to twitter, its insane.
I got "tagged" on my blog last week and thought I would use it as a chance to get to know others from are officially tagged!
If you've done this before please don't feel obligated to do it again :)
My name is @RobynsWorld and I am also a twitteraholic LOL!
You've been tagged too:
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